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About Us

Hyperdrive3d is mainly known for two things:
- Private Track Days
- Window Tinting

At hyperdrive3d we hold social track days where people can comfortably bring their own cars out to the track and drive them at speed without the pressures of competition. You supply the car and we arrange the event so its stress free and a great experience for you. We do whatever we can to encourage people out onto the track for the first time and make the streets less of a race track. We have learnt from our previous track days and we can now say that we offer one of the best and cheapest track day opportunities in South Australia. Please check our Track Days page for more information.

If you found our page by looking for window tinting feel free to check out our facebook page for more information.

Hyperdrive3d was started in 1998 by Jason Bradbrook. It began as a single webpage for his online gaming guild in "Monarchy". As Jason progressed in the understanding on online games he then desided to make his own online game called "Vadar Realms" which then took Hyperdrive3d to an all new level. The self-made online game continued on until 2003, with upto 500 players at its peak the game was getting hard to maintain so Jason chose to end it once he left high school.

The second phase of Hyperdrive3d was when Jason bought his first car, the website then came about car customisation. This lasted a couple of years but never really took off and things were changing towards motorsport due to his new found friends and love of RX7's. As things progressed Hyperdrive3d also became a bit of a business venture with Jason promoting his private track days and window tinting abilities.

Hyperdrive3d is now in its third phase where it is now based on providing a service to get new motorsports / car enthusiasts out onto the track at Mallala Motorsport Park. We currently provide two private track days each year with up to 40 cars in each event. As part of these events we provide drinks and a BBQ lunch to all the drivers and have the ability to allow for passenger rides during the day. As an extra service we also hire out GPS lap timers so that all drivers can have their lap data recorded.

For more information on what we provide please take a look around our website or go to the Contact Us page to submit a question or feedback.

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Hyperdrive3d Interclub Challenges is an
official partner of Touge Alliance Car Club

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